Availabe Tag


TagName: Your Dynamic Digital Universe

Why just give a gift when you can give a universe? TagName – A gift that keeps on giving.

Own A Name, Control Its Destiny


What is TagName?

TagName is your digital key to infinite possibilities.
Imagine owning a unique word or name and having the freedom to attach a dynamic URL to it. It’s not just ownership; it’s control.

Why Choose TagName:

  • Dynamic QR Codes: A unique QR code for every TagName you own—point it to any URL.
  • Universal Language: Words are limitless, and so are we—own TagNames in any language.
  • Your Personalized Portal: Use our platforms to control your TagName’s destiny.


Ready to Change the Game?

Don’t just be a spectator; be a game-changer. Join TagName now and redefine the future.